On July 29, 2019, a social meeting of the VOT 73 PZK Division took place at the HF5L club headquarters.

The highlight of the meeting was a lecture by Marcin SP5ES on the course of the 3Y0I expedition to Bouvet . Marcin presented an extremely interesting photo gallery from the expedition and videos illustrating the complicated and laborious preparations for the expedition lasting several months and a difficult boat cruise towards Bouvet.

Marcin stated:
“Bouvet Island : Ham Radio – 2:0. Our trip to Bouvet island with “Atlantic Tuna” has been stopped due to weather colapse. Lost of radar and satelite antenna forced us due safety reasons to return to Cape Town not reaching the target. It was 15 days of sailing among them 12 days in storms and cyclones. Captain Anthony Burke of “MV Atlantic Tuna”, based on his 20 years of experience, decided to turn back because the cyclone with the wind speed reached over 160 km/h and waves containing pieces of ice reched up to 14 meters hit and destroyed the radar and VSAT satellite communication devices, HF and VHF antennas, prevented precise navigation, radiocommunication and reception of weather forecasts. This gave no chance for further safe navigation and did not guarantee a safe landing on the island. The captain stated that appreciating the 3Y0I team’s involvement in the preparation for the expedition and the team’s courageous attitude during the cruise, he was ready to try again to land with this crew, not only on the island of Bouvet.”

Looking at other films from Bouvet, it can be said that this inhospitable and glacial island allows you to land and explore only in very good weather, so the decision to turn back was the only right one for the safety of the expedition participants.

A few photos from the meeting:
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