HF5L Site Map
- Activation of the SOTA summit - SP/KA-002 - Wielki Szyszak - 11/08/2019 (ms)
- Club meeting September 26, 2018 (ms)
- HF5L/p in IARU SSB R1 Fieldday 2022 (ms)
- Is there anything interesting above 100 MHz ? (andrzej)
- Meeting of the Virtual Division PZK OT73 at the HF5L club (ms)
- Meeting with representatives of the designers of the Polish student satellite PW-SAT2 (andrzej)
- Meeting with SP5EAQ (ms)
- Radio Club HF5L opening (label)
- The good old days - history of SP5KOH, SP5ZHM, SP5KTD radio clubs (ms)
- World Amateur Radio Day (andrzej)
- Activation of the SOTA summit - SP/KA-002 - Wielki Szyszak - 11/08/2019 (ms)
- CQ World-Wide DX Contest 2017 (andrzej)
- CQ WPX SSB Contest 2018 (ms)
- CQWW DX Contest SSB 2021 on QRP (andrzej)
- Fieldday 2018 preparations (ms)
- HF5L Radio Club in SSB Fieldday 2018 (ms)
- HF5L/p in IARU CW R1 Fieldday 2018 contest (ms)
- HF5L/p in IARU CW Region 1 Fieldday 2019 (andrzej)
- HF5L/p in IARU SSB R1 Fieldday 2022 (ms)
- HF5L/p in IARU SSB R1 Fieldday 2023 (ms)
- HF5L/p in IARU SSB R1 Fieldday contest 2019 (ms)
- HF5WIM in 2020 SPDX Contest (ms)
- How to achieve better results by analyzing contest logs (ms)
- SO4M contesting (ms)
- ADALM-PLUTO clocker (ms)
- ADALM-PLUTO development kit for (not only) Es’hail-2 satellite (ms)
- ADALM-PLUTO tuning (ms)
- Automatic antenna switching in Yaesu transceivers (ms)
- CHA-250B antenna by SP5GNI (ms)
- DX from space (ms)
- Electret microphone instead of dynamic and vice versa (ms)
- Es'hail-2 (or QO-100) for beginners (ms)
- Full Colour Morse manipulators from 3D printer (andrzej)
- GNI-r3 antenna rotor controller (ms)
- GNI-r5 controller for RAU, RAK, BIG-RAK and RAEL rotators (ms)
- GNI-r6 controller for RAS, SPX AZ/EL and BIG-RAS azimuth/elvation rotators (andrzej)
- GreenCube (IO-117) satellite and FT991 (ms)
- HackRF with PortaPack - Educational SDR Transceiver for 1 MHz to 6 GHz band (andrzej)
- HF amplifier with MFR101 (ms)
- HF5L Remote (ms)
- How to measure the performance of the HF receiver? (ms)
- ICOM IC-705 SDR - A new toy for trips (andrzej)
- Mini-PC for transceiver (andrzej)
- Monitor for SG-Lab Power Amplifier (ms)
- More about the rotating antenna by SP5GNI (ms)
- Mosley MINI-32-A antenna test (andrzej)
- N7DDC autotuner with power over coaxial cable (ms)
- Our satellite activity (ms)
- Polish student satellite PW-SAT2 transmits (andrzej)
- Power over coaxial cable (ms)
- Properties of the horizontal dipole above the ground (andrzej)
- QCX transceiver QRP CW (ms)
- QCX transceiver QRP in SSB version (ms)
- RF level meters with AD8318 (ms)
- Rotator Controller Interface for YAESU G-800DXA, G-1000DXA, G-2800DXA, G-5500 (andrzej)
- Software Defined Radio with Arduino Nano (ms)
- SP9VFD antenna system for EME (ms)
- The PW-Sat2 satellite completes the mission, preparations for the PW-Sat3 launch are in progress (andrzej)
- Transceiver uSDX with Arduino Nano (ms)
- What's the deal with this M17? (ms)
- Wireless and automatic antenna switching (ms)
- Wireless antenna switching (ms)
- Wireless Communication in Polish Home Army 1939-1945 (ms)
- Xiegu G90 - Transceiver for QRP operations, and digital emissions (ms)
- 90th Anniversary of the Polish Amateur Radio Union (ms)
- DMR communication in VOT (andrzej)
- Funny things on radio themes (andrzej)
- GreenCube (IO-117) satellite and FT991 (ms)
- Happy Easter ! (andrzej)
- Los 2018 - Ham Radio Fest Poland (andrzej)
- Meeting of the Virtual Division PZK OT73 at the HF5L club (ms)
- Meeting with SP5EAQ (ms)
- My radio shack (ms)
- Organization of the expedition during the pandemic (ms)
- QSL cards sent and received (andrzej)
- Storm Monitor - it's worth having weather warnings in your cell (andrzej)
- SV8/SP5ISZ (ms)
- The Great Orchestra of Christams Charity transmits from the stratosphere (ms)
- What is Hamsphere (ms)
- What's the deal with this M17? (ms)
- Winter 2021 in the Karkonosze Mountains (andrzej)
- Wireless Communication in Polish Home Army 1939-1945 (ms)
- ZOOM application for teleconferences (andrzej)
- LB-518 Wireless BLE Temperature & Humidity Logger (ms)
- LB-523 WiFi temperature and humidity recorder (andrzej)
- LB-524 GSM Microclimate Recorder (andrzej)
- LB-532 - Temperature and humidity recorder with USB interface (andrzej)
- LB-575 Climate Meter: thermometer, hygrometer, barometer, (ms)
- Non-contact body temperature measurement - COVID prophylaxis (andrzej)
- STORE-LOGGER - Wireless temperature and humidity control system in warehouses (andrzej)
- Terminal for non-contact body temperature measurement (andrzej)