Author: ms

90th Anniversary of the Polish Amateur Radio Union

On February 22-24, 1930, the congress and the first general meeting of the Polish Amateur Radio Union took place in Warsaw. In 2020, we proudly celebrate the 90th anniversary of this event.             Tomek SP5CCC has released for the purpose of celebrating this event a number of historical photos from […]


The SDR Active Learning Module  ADALM PLUTO from Analog Devices is used by many OM’s for working satellite QO-100. This is due to the attractive price and the excellent SSB-Modulation. No additional up- or down-converter are needed. Nevertheless some optimizations are possible. Installation in an aluminium housing avoiding radio frequency radiation Reducing frequency drift by […]

RF level meters with AD8318

It is not necessary to justify how important a radio signal meter is for a radioamateur, especially when entering the frequency ranges above 1 GHz. There are inexpensive meters available on the market (EXAMPLE), but you can do better by yourself 😉 using an inexpensive module with the Analog Device AD8318 IC. The schematic is […]

HF5L/p in IARU SSB R1 Fieldday contest 2019

On the 7/8 September weekend, the HF5L team took part in the Fieldday SSB contest organized by DARC. This time in the preparations and the contest took part (in alphabetical order of call signs): Ewa SP5-1593, Andrzej SP5DDF, Mirek SP5GNI, Sławek SP5ICS, Marek SP5ISZ, Marek SP5IXS, Zbyszek SP5JSZ and Maciek SP5LCS. The place of installation […]

ADALM-PLUTO development kit for (not only) Es’hail-2 satellite

Adalm-Pluto (Analog Device) SDR radio starter kit was received for experiments by courtesy of Michał Trzaskowski from Richardson RFPD. This device gives completely new possibilities when it comes to cooperation with the first geostationary amateur satellite Es’hail-2. To name a few: thanks to the large bandwidth of the receiver (up to 6 MHz) it is […]

Meeting of the Virtual Division PZK OT73 at the HF5L club

On July 29, 2019, a social meeting of the VOT 73 PZK Division took place at the HF5L club headquarters. The highlight of the meeting was a lecture by Marcin SP5ES on the course of the 3Y0I expedition to Bouvet . Marcin presented an extremely interesting photo gallery from the expedition and videos illustrating the […]

Xiegu G90 – Transceiver for QRP operations, and digital emissions

QRP work has many advantages, especially during holiday trips. I have been practicing it for years – especially from the Greek islands. However, I have a problem: the elephant has stepped on my ear which I use to receive CW. Last time I was actively practicing CW on the RBM-1, as an operator of “Operation […]

Es’hail-2 (or QO-100) for beginners

I bought a 80 cm satellite dish (16 Euro), a converter (4 Euro), installed it on the roof and set it up on the satellite (Dish Pointer was very helpful for azimuth and elevation finding). In our conditions, a 80 cm satellite parabola is a reasonable minimum when it comes to the receiving antenna. I […]

HF5L Remote

The HF5L station has been adapted for remote access via an internet connection. HF5L Remote is initially intended for standard contacts in the 3.5 and 7 MHz bands. HF5L Remote is currently a 100 W low-power station. It is equipped with a Yaesu FT-897 transceiver with an external AT-897 antenna box, as well as a […]