Author: ms

HF5L/p in IARU CW R1 Fieldday 2018 contest

Updated on 2019-06-18 by SP5GNI Field work of ham radio is an attractive form of action within our hobby. For stations slashed by “p” and “m”, the Fieldday competition formula assumes a number of restrictions, such as non-stationary work without using mains power, distance from the nearest buildings and power lines greater than 100 m, […]

Fieldday 2018 preparations

On 2-3 June 2018 we will operate from a forest near Skierniewice, Poland, under the callsign HF5L/p. On May 19 there was a general rehearsal before leaving at the headquarters of the HF5L club. We invite everyone to participate in the competition and for QSOs with HF5L/p on all 6 bands! Rules of the 2018 […]

More about the rotating antenna by SP5GNI

The article “GNI-r3 rotor antenna rotor controller” describes my simplest structure. The user’s manual is available here. I also mention the extended version – the manual is also available. In fact, I have checked other concepts of rotor control. My first idea was to control the rotor completely wirelessly. Impossible? And yet. After all, the […]

CQ WPX SSB Contest 2018

On March 24-25, we took part in the CQ WPX SSB Contest in the Multi-Operator Single-Transmitter Low-Power category. We used IC-765, we made 304 QSO’s. Operators: Andrzej SP5DDF, Wojtek SP5DPD, Zygi SP5ELA, Mirek SP5GNI, Marek SP5ISZ, Marek SP5IXS and Piotr SQ5JUP. According to preliminary results, we obtained 143584 points and: 48th place WW, 22th place […]

GNI-r3 antenna rotor controller

In issue 3/2018 of the Świat Radio monthly, I published an article about my controller design for popular RAU and RAK antenna rotors. Below is a short version of this publication along with a slightly modified scheme. The GNI-r3 controller supports one rotator. Antenna rotation is possible in the range of 0-360 degrees with reserve […]