Author: ms


September 14, 2018 Marek SP5ISZ announced that he had started up QRP from the island of Milos. He had an ICOM 703 (10W only) with a 7.5 Ah battery, an LW 41m antenna about 6m above the ground, about 50m from the sea on the beach. With a 9: 1 transformer, the antenna has tuned […]

HF5L Radio Club in SSB Fieldday 2018

After a successful escapade on the CW part of the Fieldday competition in June, we organized another trip to take part in the phone part of the contest on September 1-2. This time there was no rain or storm, the weather was for 59! There were many operators willing to work on the SSB: Andrzej […]

LB-518 Wireless BLE Temperature & Humidity Logger

LB-518 BLE-LOGGER thermohygrometer is a wireless relative humidity and temperature mini recorder. The logger is equipped with a BLE wireless radio interface. It is powered by an internal exchangeable 3 V battery. For the temperature and humidity measurements, the thermohygrometer uses an integrated, high-quality humidity and temperature sensors. The LB-518 thermohygrometer features an extensive memory […]

Wireless and automatic antenna switching

Automatic antenna switching – good. Wireless antenna switching – even better. But automatic and wireless antenna switching is just that! As I did for the FT-991, it shows the circuit diagram below. The controller is connected to the TUN/LIN socket and is supplied from it (warning! ABCD signals encoding the band are available on the […]

LB-575 Climate Meter: thermometer, hygrometer, barometer,

LB-575 thermohygrobarometer is a portable instrument with battery power supply. The meter may function as well as a recorder. The measurement history may be viewed on the display. It features an alarm signalling function — when a set measurement threshold is exceeded, a sound and display signal is triggered. Measurement results may be frozen on […]

Power over coaxial cable

If a DC power supply is needed near the antennas, the use of a coaxial cable for this purpose avoids pulling the additional cable to the roof or mast. The diagram below shows the DC power inserter – Power over Coaxial (PoC) solution tested by SP5GNI. Coupling capacitors should allow the transfer of relatively high […]

The good old days – history of SP5KOH, SP5ZHM, SP5KTD radio clubs

>>>>>Updated on 2019-06-18 by SP5GNI<<<<< The HF5L amateur club refers to the legacy of SP5KOH, SP5ZHM,  SP5KTD radio clubs that have not existed for many years, as well as SP5ZDF, SP5ZCA. Established in 2017, the HF5L club is a meeting place for former members of those clubs, but also a place for new people interested […]

Wireless antenna switching

Automatic antenna switching is a convenience and safer operation of the equipment, but it does not solve all the nuisances. If the antenna switch is located in the radio room, then a separate fider should be derived from each antenna, which does not have a very favorable effect on costs and aesthetics (not to mention […]

Automatic antenna switching in Yaesu transceivers

Automatic antenna switching is not only convenience, but also safer operation of the equipment. Yeasu transceivers are equipped with a socket on which BCD signals represent the currently selected band. The truth table for the TUN/LIN connector in FT-991 is below: D (pin 7) C (pin 6) B (pin 5) A (pin 4) Dec value […]

What is Hamsphere

The Hamsphere program is celebrating its 10th anniversary. Its originator and owner, Kelly (SM7NHC and 5B4IT), claims that it is not a typical “talk”, VOIP which are already several on the Internet, but a real radio program for hams, only in the Internet, with all the attributes of a real radio . We have there […]